

4.7 (253 user ratings)

About Specialization:


Python is a high level, interpreted language which has easy syntax and dynamic semantics. Python is much easier than other programming languages and helps you create beautiful applications with less effort and much more ease.

Key Features/Course content

  1. Introduction
  2. Python Features
  3. Python Applications
  4. Python Execution
  5. Python Virtual Machine
  6. IDLE Vs. IDE, C Vs. Python
  7. Java Vs. Python
  1. None
  2. Numeric
    1. int
    2. float
    3. complex
  3. Sequences
    1. String
    2. list
    3. tuple
    4. range
    5. bytes
    6. bytearray
  4. Sets
    1. set
    2. frozenset
  5. Mappings
    1. dict
  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Assignment Operators
  3. Unary Operator
  4. Relationship Operators
  5. Logical Operators
  6. Boolean Operators
  7. Bitwise Operators
  8. Membership Operators
  9. Identity Operators
  1. Input Statements
    1. From keyboard
    2. Accept a integer
    3. Accept a float
    4. Accept Multiple Values
  2. List Comprehension
  3. eval() function
  4. How to evaluate Mathematical Expressions
  5. Output Statements
    1. Concatenate Operator
    2. print("string")
    3. print(Variable List)
    4. print("string", Variable list)
    5. print(Object)
    6. print(Formatted String)
    7. print({}.format())
    8. print('str,{},'.format(values))
  1. If Statement
    1. If...else
    2. If..elif
    3. if...elif..elif..else
  2. For Loop
  3. While Loop
  4. else suite
  5. Break Statement
  6. Continue Statement
  7. Pass Statement
  8. return Statement
  9. assert Statement
  10. try...except
  1. Python Arrays
  2. Numpy Arrays
    1. Attributes
    2. Methods
    3. Functions
  3. Shallow Copying, Deep Copying
  1. How to
  2. Define function
  3. Call function
  4. return
    1. Results from function
    2. Multiple Values from function
  5. Why Functions are first class objects
    1. Assign a function to a variable
    2. Define one function inside another function
    3. Pass a function as parameter to another function
    4. A function can return another function
  6. Arguments
    1. Positional Arguments
    2. Keyword Arguments
    3. Default Arguments
  7. Variable Length Arguments
    1. args
    2. kwargs
  8. Local Vs Global Variable
  9. Global keyword
  10. Recursive function
  11. Lambdas
  12. What are Decorators and Generators
  13. What is Structured Programming
  14. Creating own "Modules"
  15. Special Variables
  1. Features of OOPs
  2. Introduction to Class and Objects
  3. Creating
  4. Class Variables/Attributes
  5. Action/Method, 'Self' Variable
  6. Constructor
  1. Types of Variable
    1. Instance Variable
    2. Class Variable
  2. Types of Methods
    1. Instance Method
    2. Class Method
    3. Static Method
  3. Namespaces
  4. Passing Members of one class to another class
  5. Inner Class
  1. Introduction to Inheritance
  2. Constructor in Inheritance
  3. Overriding super class constructors and methods
  4. super() Method
  5. Types of Inheritance
    1. Single Inheritance
    2. Multiple Inheritance
  6. Method Resolution Order (MRO)
  1. Introduction to Polymorphism
  2. Duck Typing Philosophy of Python
  3. What is Overloading
    1. Operator overloading
    2. Method overloading
  4. Method Overriding
  1. What is Abstract Class
  2. What is Abstract Method
  3. globals()
  4. What is Interface
  5. Abstract class Vs Interface
  1. Types of Errors
    1. Compile time error
    2. Run time error
    3. Logical error
  2. What is "exception"
  3. "exception" handling
  4. Assert Statement
    1. try block
    2. except block
  5. "assert" Statement
  1. Types of Files
    1. Text files
    2. Binary files
  2. Opening a File
  3. Close a File
  4. "with" statement
  5. Pickle statement
  6. dump statement
  7. Seek() & tell() Methods
  8. Zipping & Unzipping a file
  1. What is epoch
  2. now() Method
  3. how to combine date and time
  4. strftime()
  5. timedelta()
  1. Python library re
  2. Methods
    1. search()
    2. match()
    3. findall()
  1. Window
  2. Canvas
  3. Frame
  4. Widgets
    1. Button
    2. Scroll Bar
    3. Label
    4. Radio Button
    5. Combo Box
    6. List Box
    7. Check Box
  1. Working with:
    1. "Oracle" database 
    2. "mysql" database


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